Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Loveley Package

There is no greater joy then receiving a lovely package, that you know is enclosed with many beautiful surprises on a fall sunday morning. My main man, Biggie, and I just couldn't wait to see what the lovely Miss Karrisa Pulido and Christina Richards of DIT&O had in store for us...

We opened up and as I suspected the contents of this package was nothing less then exciting!

First thing I pulled out was a beautifully hand crafted Thank you Plaque for attending, supporting and vending at DIT&O's last event the Autumnal Equinox Tea & Social. 

Such a Blast if you missed this one don't fret there will be many more to come...

Now one this these ladies pay a lot of attention to is their playlists. One thing I could possibly love more then design, is music. Just imagine how enthusiastic I was when the second surprise I pulled out of the DIT&O package was their Fall playlist. 

A great addition to my endless CD collection...

As if I wasn't feeling special enough I dug just a little deeper into the lovely package to find a very sweet  handwritten thank you note signed by the lovely Karissa & Christina...

Finally for my last surprise inside this lovely package was an invite to the next DIT&O event...

Which is a Halloween Movie Night! SO FUN, don't miss out on this event. A scary movie projected on a big screen, POPcorn, S'mores VEGAN and NON vegan marshmallows will be available...YUM! 

Cant wait DIT&O ladies see you there! 

Monday, August 19, 2013

DIY scratch off cards

 DIY scratch off cards

One of my dear friends birthdays was around the corner and I wanted to give her more then just a Hallmark birthday card.

I came across this DIY from Pat and Lindsay on Pintrest one day when I was searching for Birthday card inspiration.

I was so excited to give this scratch off idea a try. The idea is so simple yet so much fun. 
I gathered all of the ingredients to create the scratch off capabilities. 

Which include ::
             One white crayon 
             Any color of Acrylic paint
             A small amount of dish soap
             A paint brush
             and of course you Card

My Happy birthday wishes